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200 Club - sign up for big prizes!

Cheshire CCC's 200 Club is available for just £5 a month and offers prizes across the year including a £200 July draw.

There's a £50 monthly prize draw too and ad hoc draws during the year. 

Joining is simple. You can pay by standing order or BACS - and you can shortly pay annual subscriptions on line here

To become a member, either call, text or email Inge Bevers:

E: 200club@cheshireccc.org.uk / T: 07523 132641


Cheshire CCC 200 Club rules and regulations

  • Membership @ £5 per month
  • Payment by banker’s order, BACS or cheque to 'Cheshire County Cricket Club' (electronic payment available shortly)
  • Paid up members will be entered in each monthly draw, wherever possible, around the County at Cricketing events
  • The 200 Club runs from January to December
  • Cut off for new memers is 21st of each month; payment after this date will confirm participation from the following month
  • Prizes: £50 cash prize per month with bonus mystery prizes drawn at the Committee's discretion from time to time. There's also an annual £200 draw in July 
  • The Cheshire CCC Management Committee will manage administration
  • Total annual prize money is limited to 50% of funds received across 12 months (Jan-Dec)
  • Surplus funds will be held by Cheshire CCC 
  • To join, email or call Inge Bevers - ingeborg_bevers@yahoo.co.uk / 07523 1326

Winners will be published on this website and contacted directly.