'Thank you!' Stewart Macleod steps back

'Thank you!' Stewart Macleod steps back

8 Dec 2024

Photos - Stewart having received his Cricket Lifetime Award at Old Trafford in August 2024, and Cheshire U16s 2006 scorebook on their way to the Lord's Taverner's Final. 

Stewart Maclleod has been synomynous with Cheshire youth cricket over the last'few decades' or so and we owe him a great debt for his time, dedication and support to Cheshire County Cricket Club. 

Now, having just reached the tender age of 75, but still boasting his boyish looks (and obligatory tan), Stewart is stepping aside from the Cheshire CCC frontline. Time to polish up that golf handicap and maybe still play the odd game of cricket for the seniors. Time too to spend with the family. 

As modest as ever, Stewart spoke fondly of his cricketing memories proudly recalling playing with both his son Chris and daughter Laura way back for Rolls Royce 2nd XI. "The thrill of dad, son and daughter in the same side," he said.  'And the game where Chris took six wickets, Laura took one  and there were two for me (and a run out) - well!"

Stewart's been involved in cricket coaching for more than 50 years and as well as the Rolls Royce experience, cites many other proud moments ("there are loads') including  grandson George  Newton's quick bowling for the North's U17 side, Warren Goodwin and Ollie Law (both developed under Stewart's wing) making centuries as Cheshire racked up 240-0 to beat Oxfordshire in the 2015 T20 Final, and Pat Roberts, Matt Bennett, Craig Williamson, David While and David Hirst amongst others leading Cheshire U16s to national glory in 2006 (see scorebook above).

Stewart has always been resourceful, calm and diligent. Often working without assitance, he's simply got on with putting a Cheshire 2nd XI side together, sometimes under trying circumstances.

He won't be going too far in 2025 and will doubtless be at the odd game, and certainly on hand for some friendly advice.

Stewart, thank you, enjoy your 'rest' and we'll celebrate properly with you and Sheila in the season.

Cheshire CCC