Notice of SGM & AGM, 7.30pm Monday 28 November 2022

Notice of SGM & AGM, 7.30pm Monday 28 November 2022

7 Nov 2022

Notice for Cheshire CCC Members...

1. Cheshire CCC - Notice of Special General Meeting

7.30pm Monday 28 November 2022 at Toft CC, Chelford Road, Knutsford WA16 8QP


1. Apologies for absence

2. Alteration of 'Constitution and Rules' of Cheshire County Cricket Club (view here) Amendments proposed by JB Pickup, seconded by JW Law and agreed by the General Comittee on 31 October 2022.

3. Any other business (specifically relating to the 'Constitution and Rules').


- A quorum of at least 10 members present is required. 

- The Alteration must be approved by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting.

To be followed by...

2 Cheshire CCC's 108th Annual General Meeting


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of 107th Annual General Meeting held on 22 November 2022

3. Matters arising

4. Approval of annual accounts for the year to 30 November 2021

5. Retiring chair's annual report

6. Election of honorary officers:

- President (1st year of maximum three year term)

- Chair

- Honorary secretary

- Honorary treasurer

7. Appointment of honoraryiIndependent examiners of accounts

8. Appointment of two trustees (in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Constitution and Rules) 

9. Any other appointments

10. Any other business

Note: you can view the 2021 accounts here
