New committee set for 2023 challenges

New committee set for 2023 challenges

30 Nov 2022

The 2022 Cheshire CCC AGM at Toft on Monday 28 November, attended by 15 members with seven apologies, heralded a new era as David Bailey stepped down from an outstanding stint as Chairman after 9 years. David now becomes President, vacated after Andy Newton's three years.

Jim Law becomes the new Chair with Newton as Vice-chair.

John Petch continues as Secretary, Stuart Anderson remains as Treasurer, Julie Rafferty as Safeguarding Officer and Peter Babbage as Head of Cricket.

Following the approval of the Club's revised constitution, a management committee reaching across cricket, finance, administration, governance and marketing will look after the day to day running of the Club, while the broader general committee will meet four times a year. 

Recognising the great progress and achievements under Bailey's stewardship, Law recognised the strong position the Club was in and looked forward to the years ahead. "We do it with enthusiasm and commitment," he said, "from a group of first rate volunteers."

Nick Anderson was confirmed as T20 and 50 over Captain while Elise Scrimgeour's continual service (more years than we can remember!) was rewarded with her being appointed as an Honorary Life Vice President. 

David Leigh and Rob Sproston who were retiring from the General Committee were thanked for several years of loyal service . The hope was expressed that both would still be able to play their part in assisting the Club.

Cheshire County Cricket Club 2023 

Patron: T.D. Briggs CVO MBE KStJ


President: D. Bailey

Chairman: J.W. Law

Vice Chairman: A.C. Newton

Hon. Secretary: J.L Petch

Hon. Treasurer: S.R. Anderson

Mangement Committee

J.W. Law (Chair/Marketing), J.L. Petch (Administration), P.A.G. Babbage (Cricket),  S.R. Anderson (Finance), Mrs J. Rafferty (Safeguarding)

General Committee

J.W. Law (Chair), A.C. Newton (Vice chairman), J.L. Petch (Secretary), P.A.G. Babbage (Cricket),  S.R. Anderson (Finance),  J. Rafferty (Safeguarding Officer), F.G.S. Macleod (Academy), R.I. Brown (Seniors), N.D. Anderson ( T20 /50 Over Trophy Captain )

Honorary Life Vice Presidents: John Pickup, Tony Percival, David Sharp, Derrick Hastings, Elise Scrimgeor, Keith McGuffee

EDI representative:  Di Babbage

Membership representative:  Judy Bailey