2021 AGM at Toft CC, 7.30pm, Monday 22 November 2021

2021 AGM at Toft CC, 7.30pm, Monday 22 November 2021

27 Sep 2021

Cheshire CCC - Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting

7.30pm, Monday 22 November 2021, Toft CC, Booth's Park, Chelford Road, Knutsford, WA16 8QP


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of 106th AGM (18 November 2020)

3. Matters arising

4. Approval of Annual Accounts for the year to 30 November 2020

5. Fixing of subscriptions

6. Chairman's annual report

7. Election of Honorary Officers:

 i       Patron

ii       President ( 2nd year of a term of 3 years max.)

iii      Chairman

iv      Vice Chairman

v       Honorary Secretary

vi      Honorary Treasurer

8. Election of Committtee Members (three to service for two years)

9. Appointment of Honorary Independent Examiners of accounts

10. Any other appointments

11. Alteration of rule 10.10: AGM notice*

12. Any other business

*The current rule refers to the AGM appearing in the yearbook, if produced. As no yearbook was produced in 2021, for practical purposes the rule should be deleted and replaced with:

'10.10 The noice for the Annual General Meeting will be posted on the Club's website not less than 14 clear days before the date of the meeting.'

Please note that the annual accounts to 30 November 2020 will be posted on the County Club website when available. Printed copies may be obtained by applying to the  Honarary Treasurer once they appear. 

John Petch, Honarary Secretary